[Kde-hardware-devel] Wifi interface

Stefan Winter swinter at kde.org
Fri Sep 22 19:10:00 CEST 2006


> Good project, reminds me of Mobile IP a bit, and I see your motivation for
> a connectivity check on AP switch.  I've made a TODO to investigate adding
> this to NetworkManager.  Look forward to meeting you again at akademy :).

thanks for the heads-up :-) Yeah, looking forward to seeing you as well. But 
this year, we should skip swimming in the sea. Could be rather cold :-( 

Some others from hw-devel also asked if I'm gonna be there, so today I can 
really give a definitive yes; and I should be fairly easy to spot, I 
yesterday added a huge "eduroam Luxembourg" (logo see www.eduroam.lu) sticker 
to the cover of my laptop :-)


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The K Desktop Environment
- Stefan Winter -
Areas of Activity:
kdenetwork/wifi (KWiFiManager)
kde-i18n/de (German translation)
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