Palapeli/frameworks: reviews and a bug

Luigi Toscano luigi.toscano at
Thu Aug 24 21:24:13 UTC 2017

Christian Ehrlicher wrote:
> Am 24.08.2017 um 01:22 schrieb Luigi Toscano:

>> That said, I see a bug (or more bugs, but most likely connected) related to
>> the status of the game.
>> If you start playing and then switch to another puzzle, the other puzzle will
>> be partially solved, more or less with the same amount of pieces solved in the
>> first one (or the same proportion of pieces compared to the total).
>> If you complete a puzzle, even if the games asks to restart it, it is never
>> restarted and the games continues to ask if you want to restar it.; if you
>> switch to other puzzles, they are complete as well.
>> Do you see these as well? Could you please take a look?
> This was a porting error with QStandardPaths::locate(). It returns an empty
> QString when the file is not found.
> I fixed it and created a request.

Yes, thanks; I tested it and the issue seems solved.

I took the liberty of cleaning the title and the commit message, now it's good
to go.

I found another issue though; after cleaning the palapeli related files from
~/.config and ~/.local, the preview is not loaded anymore, the small window
says that the image is not available.
Another (smaller, but still) issue: the initial toggle state of the
View->Preview menu entry is wrong; the preview window is open but it's
deselected. If (de)selected and selected again it works as expected.

When those issues are solved, do you see other blockers for merging frameworks
into master?


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