[Kde-games-devel] For GSoC Mentors

Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen admin at leinir.dk
Sun Apr 10 12:59:27 CEST 2011

Hi guys!

  Sorry for the intrusion :) Just thought i'd mention that you've got four un-
prioritised proposals on the GSoC mentors spreadsheet, and it'd be great if 
you could run through them and set priorities and so on.

  Also, you will likely notice Gluon proposals at the top of the sheet - they 
are just there because, well, that's where we were last year :) If you guys 
would rather Gluon hopped to a separate sheet, please do say so (just do it 
fast, we're on a schedule here after all ;) ).

  So - in short: Quickly, quickly, #kde-soc on freenode needs you! ;)

..Dan // Leinir..

                          or no

                          - Piet Hein

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