[Kde-games-devel] KGame & KWin4

Kleag kleag at free.fr
Wed Mar 14 23:52:32 CET 2007

Hello Martin,

Sorry for the long silence, but I was working on the chat stuff and didn't 
want to tell too much about it before being more sure of what I would do. Now 
it's done and kwin4 still works :-)

Le mardi 06 mars 2007, Martin Heni a écrit :
> On Sunday 04 March 2007 19:05, Kleag wrote:
> > Could you verify if kwin4 works for you, now ?
> In non network mode it works with Mauricios latest changes. But network
> mode crashes on client connect now (it worked before).
Yes, but I'm not sure it comes from changes in kdegames. I should verify, but 
it seems to me that it's a problem in dnssd. In ksirk, I use the kgame lib 
and the network works (well, there is bugs but not related to the library).

> I would say however: Bring the lib uptodate and we ignore the network mode
> for the moment and I adapt the network code once the lib is ready. It is so
> much more important that we get the libkdegames ready for KDE4.
> Btw there was a larger change which Andy wanted to make to KGame, he wanted
> to remove one type of the network properties. This would slim down the lib.
> What about also doing this right now?
Andy, here, is it Andreas Beckermann ? 
In implementing KsirK, I had problems with properties: I was never sure it was 
updated at the right moment. So, I agree some refactoring should be done. I 
will start by porting the messages stuff from Qt3Support to Qt4 and at the 
same time I will try to coordinate with Andy.
> As long as the local kwin4 game runs all changes are alright with me. But
> maybe you could start kwin4 and make one input move when you do larger
> changes to the lib to make sure kwin4 survived.
> kwin4 does compile and run from the local directory (kwin4/src using
> ./kwin4) so it should be easy to test.

Best regards, 


KsirK - a turn-based strategy game for KDE

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