[Kde-games-devel] KSirtet Google Summer Of Code mentor wanted

Stefan Zickler szickler at cs.cmu.edu
Mon Mar 12 00:27:26 CET 2007

Hi all,

I am considering porting KSirtet (and possibly other games if time
allows) to KDE4 using Qt4's new QGraphicsView infrastructure and/or
SVG style rendering. It would be great if I could do this as a Google
Summer Of Code project. In order to do so, I would require a mentor
who is affiliated with KDE and who would evaluate my progress during
the project. So, if anybody here thinks that this is a good idea and
would be willing to act as a mentor for this project, please drop me a
line and we can add the project idea to:

PS: Naturally, I already contacted the original author/maintainer of
KSirtet (Nicholas), however he is no longer actively maintaining it
and busy with other things. Thus, he referred me to kde-games-devel to
ask for a possible mentorship.

Your help is greatly appreciated! Thanks!


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