[Kde-games-devel] Bovo Chess

Aron Boström aron.bostrom at gmail.com
Thu Mar 1 23:20:01 CET 2007


I'm programming student at a Scandinavian university. Recently I
ported one of my old high school programming projects from java to
C++. The game is similar to kwin4 and tic-tac-too.

It's a classic pen-and-paper game where two players tries to connect
five-in-a-row (diagonal, vertical or horizontal), and at the same time
preventing the opponent to do the same.

The AI is far from complete, but at least it is quite challenging, and
at the same time not impossible to defeat. So I have started out to
make a Qt4 GUI.

It's here that I need your help. Thus, here are my questions:
* Do anyone know if this game is already implemented, so I don't need
to duplicate work?
* Might someone give my game a try and tell me your opinion?
* Would such a game, when ported to svg themes, network libs and cool
artwork, be in question for inclusion in KDE 4.0 or 4.1? (I have an
svn account since last Summer of Code.)
* How tough do you think it is for an able progammer (not very used to
GUI development) to implement all these GUI things? (SVG support,
QGgraphicsView, "game loop", menus, mainwidgets, etc...)

The alpha can be obtained at
tar xjf bovochess-0.2.tar.bz2
mkdir build && cd build && cmake ../bovochess-0.2
make install

That leaves some executables in the root of the build dir, namely:
* bovogui (gui demo game where two AI's battle each other)
* play (to play a commandline version of the game against the AI)
* some other irrelevant ones (tests)

* CMake, Qt4 and STL, I guess. Possibly KDE4 needs to be installed
* I think gcc might be a dependency, so far.

Aron Boström
(irc: hrafnahnef)

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