[Kde-games-devel] KReversi opening play rules

Mauricio Piacentini mauricio at tabuleiro.com
Wed Sep 20 20:18:08 CEST 2006

Dennis P wrote:
> I hope that the Kreversi interface is kept clean and 
> does not become as intimidating as Go game managers. For example the 'moves 
> history box' recently introduced should not be displayed by default, it makes 
> the game look intimidating even thought it is an easy game where beginners 
> can start playing without having to learn anything in advance.

Just fyi, the KDE4 version in SVN already starts with the move list 
hidden by default, this is one of the changes made by Dmitry. However, 
the option to view the move list pane is one menu item away for those 
who want to display it, so nothing is lost.
The same is true for the option of using bw or color chips. All 
configuration changes in the UI are saved and will be used automatically 
the next time you start the application, of course.
BTW, I am not a big fan of giving the users lots and lots of useless 
options. It is generally tempting to implement every feature request as 
an option, instead of reasoning why it is might not be really 
appropriate, or do not add real value to the game. But I do not think 
this is the case here in KReversi, the options are good, and 
configuration of the UI is really an added bonus, we just need to use 
good defaults for beginners.
BTW, this is one of the topics to discuss in the aKademy Bof session. 
First is how to get user feedback, and second is how to deal with it :) 
Striking the right balance between having every option possible and 
cutting too much functionality is difficult to achieve, and it would be 
good if we could come up with a balanced way of handling this issue in 
the kdegames module.


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