Hi,<br><br>I'm trying to install emulation/virtualbox-ose, but enabling the qt gui forces me to install unnecessary dependencies like qzeitgeist and webkit.<br><br>In Makefile of multimedia/phonon I could disable the LIB_DEPENDS line for qzeitgeist without any consequences. Sources on the internet mention that it's an optional build-time dependency. So it would be nice if the port could be modified to make zeitgeist an option.<br>
<br>Furthermore, devel/qt4-assistant and devel/qt4-designer don't seem to need webkit and qt3support. I removed webkit and qt3support from USE_QT4 and added the following line:<br><br>CONFIGURE_ARGS=-no-webkit -no-qt3support<br>
<br>I would be nice if these things could become optional instead.<br><br>Thanks!<br>