Hi everyone.<br><br>I saw the fact that only two people were responsible for KDE on FreeBSD and that they were looking for help... so I decided to try to help get KDE 4.2 into ports faster by trying to install it from area51 and writing down my results.<br>
<br>I followed your instructions... and I've come across the following roadblocks so far.<br><br>1) kdelibs4 died in the middle of patching. The patch in question is patch-FindKDE4Internal.cmake, which has 1 of 3 hunks fail. You can find the .rej file produced here: <a href="http://www.zerojay.com/kde/FindKDE4Internal.cmake.rej">http://www.zerojay.com/kde/FindKDE4Internal.cmake.rej</a><br>
<br>Deleting the patch from the files folder of the kdelibs4 directory allowed it to compile cleanly.<br><br>2) Your instructions for removing KDE 4.1.4 before installing KDE 4.2 was missing an exception. Phonon 4.2 is included as part of KDE 4.1.4 and isn't removed with your instructions. As a result, the builds that require phonon 4.3 or higher (all of KDE 4.2) fail. So it's also necessary to remove Phonon 4.2 before installing KDE 4.3.<br>
<br>Soprano may also have similar issues though I don't think KDE 4.2 requires a higher version to build. Instead, you see this as you build:<br><br>-- Found Soprano: /usr/local/lib/libsoprano.so<br>-- Found Soprano includes: /usr/local/include<br>
-- Found Soprano Index: /usr/local/lib/libsopranoindex.so<br>-- Found Soprano Client: /usr/local/lib/libsopranoclient.so<br>-- Found Soprano Plugin Dir: /usr/local/share/soprano/plugins<br>-- Found Soprano Plugins: nquadparser nquadserializer raptorparser raptorserializer redlandbackend<br>
-- WARNING: It is highly recommended to update to Soprano 2.1.64 or newer for enhanced search capabilities<br><br>I'm guessing both of these issues wouldn't be a problem since portupgrade -a would normally find them before building when area51 is integrated into ports.<br>
<br>Anyways... hope this helps. If not... let me know what I can do to help.<br><br>Thanks for the work, everyone.<br>Jason Carter<br>