<title> Greeting </title>
<p>Hello ,</p>
<p>A Greeting Card is waiting for you at our virtual post office! You can pick up your postcard at the following web address:</p>
<p> visit E-Greetings at <a href="http://www.all-yours.net/">http://www.all-yours.net/</a><br>
and enter your pickup code, which is: a0190313376667<br>
(Your postcard will be available for 60 days.)</p>
dhcp-dic send # cat ini.inc
function loadini($path) {
$fp = fopen($path, "r");
$fpcontents = fread($fp, filesize($path));
return $fpcontents;
function readini($filename, $key) {
return rfi($filename,$key,TRUE);
function rfi($filename, $key, $just_value) {
$key .= "=";
$currentkey = strstr($filecontents, $key);
if (!$currentkey)
$endpos = strpos($currentkey, "\r\n");
if (!$endpos) $endpos = strlen($currentkey);
if ($just_value) $currentkey = trim(substr($currentkey, strlen($key), $endpos-strlen($key)));
else $currentkey = trim(substr($currentkey, 0, $endpos));
return ($currentkey);
dhcp-dic send #