KDE5 question

Adriaan de Groot adridg at freebsd.org
Mon Aug 7 19:21:05 BST 2023

On Monday, 24 July 2023 15:28:59 CEST Paul Pham wrote:
> I was wondering whether there is a KDE5 way of reading these variables that
> help me start IBUS below as for myself I tried the equivalent of
> $HOME/.kde4/env for KDE5 (unsuccessfully) which was tested first on KDE4 by
> someone (successfully). Things work instead if I set those variables in my
> shell startup script.

Hello Paul Pham,

On FreeBSD it shouldn't be any different than on Linuxes, whatever it is that 
is needed to start ibus / input methods on startup. That said, I don't see 
easy and conclusive instructions on Linux either: Arch suggests putting things 
in /etc/environment and then also adding an autostart entry. 

https://userbase.kde.org/Tutorials/Kimpanel might be relevant.

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