[kde-freebsd] qt5 ports merging

Ralf Nolden nolden at kde.org
Sat Jun 4 20:41:57 UTC 2016


I'm thinking about simplifying (read: reducing) the amount of ports qt 
provides, and would like some feedback from those interested.

I'll try to beak up the merging into several chunks that are actually 
understandable :) 

Part 1: merging clucene-qt5 with qt5-help

Qt's help system currently has three parts, all coming from qttools dist file:
- clucene-qt5 (the qt version of clucene)
- qt5-help (qt5 help library, currently together with some help generator 

- assistant

>From the application (read: a qt appication that wants to be in ports) POV, it 
can make use of either qt help libraries using a widget as a help reader 
inside its program or call qt assistant via QProcess with its help files. So it 
makes some sense to split off the help ports from qttools.

What makes not-so-much sense is splitting off clucene off again, to keep the 
ports naming in a similar manner as qt4 ports were made. No port other than 
qt5-help is using it, so it is merely a source of error to keep it split off.

So, first really easy merge would be move clucene-qt5 stuff into qt5-help and 
get rid of the clucene-qt5 port.

Any comments welcome. If there are no objections, I would even prepare that 
merge for the 5.6 branch already to have one port less taking extra care of.

Kind regards,

Ralf Nolden

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