[kde-freebsd] KDE4 processes (10-CURRENT r255948, ports r328930), slimm down for netbook?

Matthias Apitz guru at unixarea.de
Sun Oct 13 05:36:43 UTC 2013

El día Thursday, October 10, 2013 a las 11:08:41AM +0000, Schaich Alonso escribió:

> You can configure some of the kde background activies using "systemsettings"
> from kde4-workspace. There's a KCM* called "startup and shutdown" in the
> "system administration" section, which has several fields to configure
> background services and application autostart/session resuming.
> Also, in the "application appearance" KCM of the common appearance and
> behaviour section systemsettings has a graphical effects setting in it's
> "fine tuning" tab of the "style" (i'll call it ``page'' for now, the thing to
> select on the left) that has some impact on performance over here.
> If you have nepomuk/strigi indexing service installed and running, disabling
> it might save a considerable amount of storage IO. It can be disabled using
> the "desktop search" KCM of the workspace appearance and behaviour section of
> systemsettings. Of cause, not installing nepomuk to begin with also works ;)
> Hope that helped,
>         Alonso
> *KCM means KDE Configuration Module, it's the items systemsettings.

Hi Alonso,

I followed your hints and the startup time of KDE4 slightly improved.

Then I copied the /usr/local from the USB to the SSD of the EeePC and
mounted it from there during boot. This has nearly no effect on the
start time of KDE4. What really helped was copying the HOME of the user
of KDE4 to the SSD. There seems to be a lot of disk i/o in the mysql
database and other files on startup.

I know have to learn how to manage KDE4 because it differs a lot from



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