[kde-freebsd] ports/182527: commit references a PR

dfilter service dfilter at FreeBSD.ORG
Tue Nov 5 22:20:03 UTC 2013

The following reply was made to PR ports/182527; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: dfilter at FreeBSD.ORG (dfilter service)
To: bug-followup at FreeBSD.org
Subject: Re: ports/182527: commit references a PR
Date: Tue,  5 Nov 2013 22:19:07 +0000 (UTC)

 Author: rakuco
 Date: Tue Nov  5 22:18:59 2013
 New Revision: 332921
 URL: http://svnweb.freebsd.org/changeset/ports/332921
   Add a patch sent upstream to fix the build with libc++:
   PR:		ports/182527
   head/devel/kdesdk4/files/patch-libcxx   (contents, props changed)
 Added: head/devel/kdesdk4/files/patch-libcxx
 --- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
 +++ head/devel/kdesdk4/files/patch-libcxx	Tue Nov  5 22:18:59 2013	(r332921)
 @@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
 +commit 6aa61a76e792354ab646849f1dcfeccab7d0063d
 +Author: Raphael Kubo da Costa <rakuco at FreeBSD.org>
 +Date:   Sun Nov 3 01:21:49 2013 +0200
 +    kdevcppparser: Always define the `identity' unary function.
 +    _Identity is an internal, libstdc++-specific struct that is not to be relied
 +    upon by external code.
 +    preprocesslexer.cpp used to assume GCC (with libstdc++) and MSVC were the
 +    only compilers available, and defined its own _Identity implementation for
 +    the latter. It breaks things if any other compiler or STL implementation
 +    (such as clang with libc++) is used.
 +    The easiest fix is to just unconditionally define the `identity' unary
 +    function and use it regardless of whether _Identity is defined or not.
 +commit f89f9c6358001619222a4b3c187b5e969b553d0b
 +Author: Raphael Kubo da Costa <rakuco at FreeBSD.org>
 +Date:   Sun Nov 3 13:19:56 2013 +0200
 +    kdevcppparser: Replace PositionFilename with a typedef to QString.
 +    The C++ standard (98, 03 and 11) states that std::basic_string is supposed
 +    to work only with POD-like types, which is not the case for QChar.
 +    GCC's libstdc++'s std::basic_string implementation, though, does not use any
 +    features present only in POD types, so the previous behavior of using
 +    std::basic_string<QChar> has worked for most people using Linux, and some
 +    workarounds were present for other compilers such as SunPro CC and MSVC.
 +    Instead of adding yet another workaround to get things working with clang
 +    with libc++, try to fix the problem in a different way by getting rid of the
 +    need for std::basic_string in position.h altogether and using a plain
 +    QString instead.
 +    std::basic_string was used only to store the name of the source file being
 +    processed, which was originally a QString anyway, so we can avoid the
 +    QString -> std::basic_string -> QString conversions, as well as the need to
 +    have a full-fledged PositionFilename class with a toString() method that
 +    performed this conversion.
 +    It also allows us to remove the MSVC/SunPro workarounds from the code and
 +    the build system.
 +--- umbrello/CMakeLists.txt
 ++++ umbrello/CMakeLists.txt
 +@@ -267,37 +267,21 @@ set(libcodeimport_SRCS
 +     codeimport/csharp/csharpimport.cpp
 + )
 +-if (WIN32 AND NOT MSVC)
 +-    # SunPRO CC have a problem with position.h; we try to put a
 +-    # QChar into a spirit iterator, which, after a bunch of futzing, ends up in
 +-    # the STL string_ref templates, which use
 +-    #
 +-    #     union {
 +-    #        size_type _C_size;    // Number of actual data values stored
 +-    #        _CharT    _C_dummy;   // force the alignment of the first char
 +-    #     } _C_size;               // named to work around an HP aCC 3.30 bug
 +-    #
 +-    # and you can't have a class which requires an initializer in a union.
 +-    #
 +-    add_definitions(-DDISABLE_CPP_IMPORT)
 +-    set(libkdevcppparser_SRCS)
 +-else (WIN32 AND NOT MSVC)
 +-    list(APPEND libcodeimport_SRCS
 +-        codeimport/cppimport.cpp
 +-    )
 +-    set(libkdevcppparser_SRCS
 +-        codeimport/kdevcppparser/ast.cpp
 +-        codeimport/kdevcppparser/driver.cpp
 +-        codeimport/kdevcppparser/errors.cpp
 +-        codeimport/kdevcppparser/lexer.cpp
 +-        codeimport/kdevcppparser/lookup.cpp
 +-        codeimport/kdevcppparser/parser.cpp
 +-        codeimport/kdevcppparser/preprocesslexer.cpp
 +-        codeimport/kdevcppparser/tree_parser.cpp
 +-        codeimport/kdevcppparser/ast_utils.cpp
 +-        codeimport/kdevcppparser/cpptree2uml.cpp
 +-    )
 +-endif(WIN32 AND NOT MSVC)
 ++list(APPEND libcodeimport_SRCS
 ++    codeimport/cppimport.cpp
 ++    codeimport/kdevcppparser/ast.cpp
 ++    codeimport/kdevcppparser/driver.cpp
 ++    codeimport/kdevcppparser/errors.cpp
 ++    codeimport/kdevcppparser/lexer.cpp
 ++    codeimport/kdevcppparser/lookup.cpp
 ++    codeimport/kdevcppparser/parser.cpp
 ++    codeimport/kdevcppparser/preprocesslexer.cpp
 ++    codeimport/kdevcppparser/tree_parser.cpp
 ++    codeimport/kdevcppparser/ast_utils.cpp
 ++    codeimport/kdevcppparser/cpptree2uml.cpp
 + set(libclipboard_SRCS
 +     clipboard/umldragdata.cpp
 +--- umbrello/codeimport/classimport.cpp
 ++++ umbrello/codeimport/classimport.cpp
 +@@ -20,9 +20,7 @@
 + #include "javaimport.h"
 + #include "adaimport.h"
 + #include "pascalimport.h"
 + #include "cppimport.h"
 + #include "csharpimport.h"
 + #include "codeimpthread.h"
 +@@ -52,13 +50,8 @@ ClassImport *ClassImport::createImporterByFileExt(const QString &fileName, CodeI
 +         classImporter = new PascalImport(thread);
 +     else if (fileName.endsWith(QLatin1String(".cs")))
 +         classImporter = new CSharpImport(thread);
 +     else
 +         classImporter = new CppImport(thread);  // the default.
 +-    else 
 +-        classImporter = 0;
 +     return classImporter;
 + }
 +--- umbrello/codeimport/kdevcppparser/position.h
 ++++ umbrello/codeimport/kdevcppparser/position.h
 +@@ -20,22 +20,6 @@
 + #ifndef POSITION_H
 + #define POSITION_H
 +-#ifdef _MSC_VER //Q_CC_MSVC isn't defined here
 +-workaround for the following msvc error 
 +-...\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\INCLUDE\xstring(2044) : error C2620: 
 +-    member 'std::basic_string<_Elem>::_Bxty::_Buf ' of union 'std::basic_string<_Elem>::_Bxty' 
 +-    has user-defined constructor or non-trivial default constructor with [  _Elem=QChar]
 +-...\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\INCLUDE\xstring(2046) : see reference to class 
 +-    template instantiation 'std::basic_string<_Elem>::_Bxty' being compiled with [  _Elem=QChar]
 +-..\umbrello\umbrello\codeimport\kdevcppparser\position.h(49) : see reference to class 
 +-    template instantiation 'std::basic_string<_Elem>' being compiled with [  _Elem=QChar]
 +-#define union struct 
 +-#include <xstring>
 +-#undef union 
 + #include <limits.h>
 + #include <boost/version.hpp>
 + #include <boost/spirit/include/classic.hpp>
 +@@ -43,34 +27,7 @@ workaround for the following msvc error
 + #include <QChar>
 + #include <QDebug>
 +-typedef std::basic_string<QChar> PositionFilenameType;
 +-class PositionFilename : public PositionFilenameType
 +-    PositionFilename()
 +-    {
 +-    }
 +-    explicit PositionFilename(const QString &p) : PositionFilenameType(p.data())
 +-    {
 +-    }
 +-    QString toString() const
 +-    {
 +-        QString result;
 +-        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < size(); i++)
 +-            result.append(at(i));
 +-        return result;
 +-    }
 +-inline QDebug operator<<(QDebug out, const PositionFilename &p)
 +-    out << p.toString();
 +-    return out;
 ++typedef QString PositionFilename;
 + typedef boost::spirit::classic::file_position_base<PositionFilename> PositionType;
 + class Position : public PositionType
 +--- umbrello/codeimport/kdevcppparser/preprocesslexer.cpp
 ++++ umbrello/codeimport/kdevcppparser/preprocesslexer.cpp
 +@@ -41,13 +41,11 @@
 +-#ifdef Q_CC_MSVC
 + template <class _Tp>
 +-struct _Identity : public std::unary_function<_Tp, _Tp> {
 ++struct identity : public std::unary_function<_Tp, _Tp> {
 +   _Tp& operator()(_Tp& __x) const { return __x; }
 +   const _Tp& operator()(const _Tp& __x) const { return __x; }
 + };
 + template <class _Tp>
 + struct tilde : public std::unary_function<_Tp, _Tp> {
 +@@ -593,7 +591,7 @@ void PreprocessLexer::dumpToFile()
 +     if (!d.exists())
 +         d.mkdir(tempPath);
 +-    QString fileName = tempPath + '/' + currentPosition().file.toString().replace(QRegExp("[/:mn]"), "-");
 ++    QString fileName = tempPath + '/' + currentPosition().file.replace(QRegExp("[/:mn]"), "-");
 +     QFile f(fileName);
 +     if (f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) {
 +         QTextStream out(&f);
 +@@ -839,7 +837,7 @@ int PreprocessLexer::macroPrimary()
 +         if (!l_hit)
 +             result = 0;
 +     } else {
 +-        boost::function < int (int) > l_op = _Identity<int>();
 ++        boost::function < int (int) > l_op = identity<int>();
 +         if (m_source.parse(ch_p('+')
 +                            | ch_p('-')[var(l_op) = std::negate<int>()]
 +                            | ch_p('!')[var(l_op) = std::logical_not<int>()]
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