[kde-freebsd] deskutils/strigi: indexdump seems to require libclucene-shared
Andriy Gapon
avg at FreeBSD.org
Mon Feb 11 22:03:42 UTC 2013
I had to amend
with the following line:
target_link_libraries(index2dump streamanalyzer clucene-shared)
so that it could be built with gcc46.
This seems like some sort of an upstream issue.
Build log snippet:
Linking CXX executable index2dump
/usr/local/bin/ld: CMakeFiles/index2dump.dir/indexdump.cpp.o: undefined
reference to symbol 'lucene::util::atomic_threads::atomic_decrement(unsigned int*)'
/usr/local/bin/ld: note:
'lucene::util::atomic_threads::atomic_decrement(unsigned int*)' is defined in
DSO /usr/local/lib/libclucene-shared.so.1 so try adding it to the linker command
/usr/local/lib/libclucene-shared.so.1: could not read symbols: Invalid operation
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
*** [libstreamanalyzer/plugins/indexers/clucenengindexer/indexdump/index2dump]
Error code 1
Andriy Gapon
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