[kde-freebsd] Re: kmix polling rate

Raphael Kubo da Costa kubito at gmail.com
Tue Jul 19 14:42:29 CEST 2011

Andriy Gapon <avg at FreeBSD.org> writes:

> on 19/07/2011 14:23 Alberto Villa said the following:
>> On Tuesday 19 July 2011 13:03:31 Andriy Gapon wrote:
>>> I think that this issue has been brought up in the past - it seems that
>>> kmix polls mixer states every 50 ms and I think that it this is a too fast
>>> rate for such an operating where 500 ms would easily suffice.  On my
>>> system this polling is sufficient to prevent powerd from using lower
>> CPU
>>> frequencies.
>>> I think that this issue is relevant specifically to FreeBSD because that
>>> polling seems to be done for OSS sound driver.
>> since you appear to speak with code in front of you, can you point us to
>> the file:loc, please?
> In kdemultimedia4 port: backends/mixer_backend.cpp:57
>         if ( needsPolling() ) {
>             _pollingTimer->start(50);
>         }
> needsPolling() returns true for OSS, false for ALSA and pulseaudio.

Indeed, it still looks like this in trunk. I suggest either filing a bug
in KDE's bugzilla or mailing Christian Esken directly (esken at kde)
about this, he was quite responsive when I mailed him last time.

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