[kde-freebsd] Icons gone after KDE Update

Frerich Raabe raabe at kde.org
Sat Jan 20 04:37:22 CET 2007


I just updated my FreeBSD 6-STABLE via binary packages from KDE 3.5.2 to 
3.5.5. Unfortunately, many (most) of the icons seem to be missing. For 
instance, most of the application icons (KMail, Konversation, KAsteroids, 
Konqueror etc.) are gone and instead one gets to see the generic 'sheet of 
paper' icon in the tool bar. In the K-Menu, no icon is displayed at all.

The icons are in the packages though (e.g. 'pkg_info -L kdegraphics-3.5.5 | 
grep icons' gives plenty of hits) and, as far as I can tell, were installed 
into the correct places 
(/usr/local/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kolourpaint.png for instance). 
kde-config --path icon shows a sane value 
("/home/frerich/.kde/share/icons/:/usr/local/share/icons/") as well.

I tried writing a little KDE application which loads some icon, and that 
application exhibited the same odd behaviour.

I already tried moving ~/.kde out of the way, without success. 
Deleting /tmp/*-frerich did not help either, neither did re-running 
kbuildsycoca. I had some feeling that maybe this is related to the odd 'XDG' 
stuff - after googling around I thought that maybe moving away ~/.local would 
help, but no luck.

Did anybody else maybe notice this problem already? I'm running out of ideas 
how to fix this. :-/

- Frerich

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