<p dir="ltr">Hi,<br>
I've been thinking about looking into pushing Purpose as a framework. One of its dependencies is KDeclarative, which means all of the things. In this case KDeclarative is used for the i18n() integration.<br>
I think this is especially bad because it raises the Qt Quick adoption barrier quite a bit for KDE applications as well, that if they want to be translated properly as a KDE project they'll need to depend on frameworks like KIconThemes.</p>
<p dir="ltr">Alternatives proposed that come to mind:<br>
- Make KI18n provide a class that does what KDeclarative::KDeclarative is currently doing.<br>
- Move the KIconTheme and KIO integration elsewhere (for example in KIconTheme and KIO respectively) so that applications and frameworks can decide actively to adopt them. This though would still leave a KPackage dependency which is also rather big and probably unused by many of the applications as well.</p>
<p dir="ltr">What do you think?</p>
<p dir="ltr">Aleix </p>