KF6 meeting notes 2022-04-26

Volker Krause vkrause at kde.org
Tue Apr 26 17:18:02 BST 2022

(cc-ing Plasma as well, as it's actually mostly about that this time)


Remaining QDesktopWidget uses:
* KAccess:
- this is an accessibility feature for showing the X11 bell visually, from a 
separate program
- needs figuring out if we still need that -> ask on the kde-accessibility 
mailing list
- if yes, this probably should be in KWin instead, to also work with Wayland
* Color picking in kdeplasma-addons:
- there's a D-Bus API in KWin for this, would also fix the color picker on 
* KWin, KScreenLocker:
- needed, needs porting to corresponding XCB code
Wayland Screencast interface build issues:
- this might be just a matter of renaming the xml file to the standard 
Remaining KServiceTypeTrader uses:
- use for thumbnails/previews in plasma-desktop: needs convenience API to 
filter by mimetype, the new system doesn't have that anymore
- powerdevil: remove the use of plugins entirely, but there is a conflict risk 
with a huge open KConfigXT MR, maybe easier alternative: port to new plugin 
system now, leave the larger change for later
- KRunner needs to be ported away from KPluginMetaData::fromDesktopFile for 
bumping the deprecation level to 5.92 or above

Next meeting in two weeks:
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