A new playground repo: Kirigami-addons

David Edmundson david at davidedmundson.co.uk
Sun Apr 5 00:48:32 BST 2020

This email is to announce a new pending repo, in playground that I'm
hoping to put into kdereview at some point.

I've been ridiculously slow with the repository, making promises and
then letting people down. I've finally pushed this onto playground in
the hope that others can take it to where it needs to be.

In terms of scope, the repo name is somewhat vague as we need to find
a balance between having repos for just one item and a dumping ground
like kdeclarative became.

To set an initial definition (though this is open to discussion):

Kirigami-addons is:
A set of "widgets" i.e visual end user components along with a code to
support them.

Components should are to be usable by both touch and desktop
experiences providing a natural experience on both. Switching at
runtime, not at compile time.

Supposed to look native with any QQC2 style (qqc2-desktop-theme,
Material or Plasma)

Kirigami-addons can depend on other KF5 frameworks.

Kirigami-addons is not:
 - a place for exposing non-visual QML bindings
 - the place for QML bindings for other Frameworks


The difference compared to kirigami itself, is that Kirigami initially
was just about very low level building blocks of page management.
Also this can depend on other KDE frameworks.


Initially this is a set of time and date pickers.


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