D21041: [Fstab] Use folder-decrypted icon for encrypting fuse mounts

Stefan BrĂ¼ns noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Mon May 6 19:04:31 BST 2019

bruns marked 2 inline comments as done.
bruns added inline comments.


> hallas wrote in fstabdevice.cpp:62
> Would it make sense to wrap this in a function with a more expressive name like: isEncryptedFilesystem or isValutFilesystem? Then we could use the same function in fstabhandling.cpp:126

I don't think there is much to gain here - as the function is trivial, we should inline it. To keep the code easy to understand, the function name has to be really expressive. On the next fuse filesystem added, it may become quite different.

> hallas wrote in fstabdevice.cpp:172
> Why do we create a new FstabNetworkShare everytime this function is called with NetworkShare but we return the same object instance when it is a StorageAccess?

The storageAccess is also used internally, for the `emblems()` method. Creating it on each call would be to expensive, especially as it has quite some signals connected, also DBus signals.
NetworkShare is quite lightweight. There is no reason it couldn't be cached, but hardly any benefit.

  R245 Solid



To: bruns, #frameworks, ngraham, hallas
Cc: broulik, kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, ngraham, bruns
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