D18475: Add AsciiDoc support

Dominik Haumann noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Sun Jan 27 16:04:29 GMT 2019

dhaumann added a comment.

  Running the katesyntaxhighlighting indexer tells me:
    katehighlightingindexer::KeywordChecker::check: "syntax-highlighting/data/syntax/asciidoc.xml" Unused keyword lists: "admonition"
  Could you fix this? Usually, keyword completion should be context dependent anyways (currently a bug), so soon your unused list will indeed not have any effect. Besides: If you want to support specials like TODO, NOTE, ..., then please use IncludeRules and ##Alert (look into other files how it's done).
  Also, could you please change all itemData names to upper case naming? Eg. "replacement" -> "Replacement",  or "section title" -> Section Title", etc? All other highlighting files use this naming scheme, and it will be visible in the UI later when configuring the colors in Kate.
  And what's still missing is a test file, also best licensed under MIT, that we can use for regression testing.

  R216 Syntax Highlighting


To: andreasgr, #framework_syntax_highlighting
Cc: dhaumann, nibags, kwrite-devel, kde-frameworks-devel, #framework_syntax_highlighting, bmortimer, hase, michaelh, genethomas, ngraham, bruns, demsking, cullmann, vkrause, sars
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