D17193: KateViewInternal: Remove unneeded functions

loh tar noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Wed Nov 28 15:04:03 GMT 2018

loh.tar updated this revision to Diff 46411.
loh.tar added a comment.

  I think that's all. 
  Well, it looks less beneficial as previous anticipated by me, but I think it's still the right direction.
  Just a view questions regarding the mix in the KTextEditor::ViewPrivate code how to access some data:
  - doc() vs m_doc: doc() is inline
  - cursorPosition() vs m_viewInternal->m_cursor: cursorPosition() is NOT inline
  I may have used in my patch also a mix due to the variety of existing code. Let me know which one to use.
  Furthermore I offer a S&R to unify the existing code, as an own DIFF/ticket or if you like in this one.
  Normally I would prefer the function calls, but because the highliting looks so nice :-) and cursorPosition() is not inline I'm undecided.
  Would it be make sense to change them to inline?
  Some more things I noticed and offer to change.
  - KateViewInternal::updateView (slot) calls KateViewInternal::doUpdateView (nowhere else called). Any benefit from that construct? Think its only a leftover from the ancient. (would make sense to include in this patch)
  - KateViewInternal::renderer() (often used) just returns KTextEditor::ViewPrivate::m_renderer but is NOT inline. When removed, could the call "renderer()" replaced by "m_view->m_renderer" or "m_view->renderer()" (the latter is also NOT inline)
  KateViewInternal contains some additional classes: CalculatingCursor, BoundedCursor, WrappingCursor, together ~275 lines
  ZoomEventFilter ~53 lines
  At least the cursor stuff looks worth to move into an own file.
  Some out-commented FIXME KF5 stuff (4 years old) encapsulated in #ifndef QT_NO_ACCESSIBILITY, lines ~1921 and ~747.
  May removed in above S&R offer when commit is named "Cleanup" or similar.




To: loh.tar, #ktexteditor
Cc: cullmann, kwrite-devel, kde-frameworks-devel, #ktexteditor, hase, michaelh, ngraham, bruns, demsking, sars, dhaumann
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