D5175: Fix 'Installed name of kio_http_cache_cleaner conflicts with related KDE4 installation'.

Ben Cooksley noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Wed Dec 20 06:13:13 UTC 2017

bcooksley added a comment.

  I still question how these installs conflict - as all the scenarios where they could conflict should already be taken into account:
  1. Linux distros, FreeBSD, etc have no co-installability issues here
  2. Windows installs should be one prefix per application, which means KF5 and KDE 4 installs should never collide
  3. macOS is basically the same as Windows, only difference being it's a .app bundle instead
  Can you provide some background please Ralf?
  Note that the CI already has native Umbrello builds for Windows so cross compilation shouldn't be required.

  R241 KIO


To: habacker, dfaure, ltoscano, bcooksley
Cc: cgiboudeaux, #frameworks
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