Le 27 juin 2011 19:51, "puneet goyal" <<a href="mailto:puneetgoyal08@gmail.com">puneetgoyal08@gmail.com</a>> a écrit :<br>
> I also tried building it using cmake on the terminal in which i folowed the following steps:<br>
> cd alkquotes<br>
> mkdir build<br>
> cd build<br>
> cmake ..</p>
<p>You may want to try to specify the install location : <br>
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr</p>
<p>(Or something else than /usr, depending on your distribution. I seem to remember that ubuntu uses /usr/local) <br></p>
<p>> make<br>
> make install<br>
> run the backend<br>
> The same error came of loadplugins</p>
<p>Also, do not forget to run kbuildsycoca4 after installing plugins, or KDE will not see them <br>
> Regards,<br>
> Puneet<br>
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