Hi everybody, <br>I've been trying to get plugins working, but to no avail. To start small extremely small, here's a simple plugin I'm trying to make. I keep getting linker errors, I was hoping maybe somebody could pick up on something I'm missing? Below are the files and the error I'm getting. I've already wasted a fair bit of time on this, so, what are people's opinions on maybe scrapping the idea of plugins in the short term? Originally I figured it best to get them working early, but at this point, I feel it's seriously beginning to hinder progress...<br>
<br>Thanks in advance for any input :)<br><br>***** interfaces.h ******************************<br>class KeysInterface<br>{ <br> public:<br> virtual ~KeysInterface();<br> virtual QStringList keys() const = 0; <br>
};<br>Q_DECLARE_INTERFACE( KeysInterface,<br> "org.kde.quotebackend.KeysInterface/1.0" );<br><br>***** testplugin.h *****************************<br>#ifndef TEST_PLUGIN_H<br>#define TEST_PLUGIN_H<br>
#include <QObject><br>#include <QStringList><br>#include "interfaces.h"<br>class KeysInterface;<br><br>class TestPlugin : public QObject, public KeysInterface<br>{<br> Q_OBJECT<br> Q_INTERFACES(KeysInterface)<br>
<br> public:<br> virtual ~TestPlugin() {}<br> <br> QStringList keys() const;<br>};<br>#endif<br><br>***** testplugin.cpp ***********************<br>#include "testplugin.h"<br>QStringList TestPlugin::keys() const<br>
{<br> return QStringList() << "This" << "Plugin" << "Appears" << "To" << "Work";<br>}<br>Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN2(testplugin, TestPlugin);<br><br>**** cmake ******************************<br>
cmake_minimum_required( VERSION 2.6 )<br>PROJECT( quotebackend )<br><br>FIND_PACKAGE( Qt4 REQUIRED )<br>SET( QT_USE_QTSQL true )<br>SET( QT_USE_QTDBUS true )<br>SET( QT_USE_QTNETWORK true )<br>SET( QT_USE_QTSCRIPT true )<br>
${QDBUS_INCLUDE_DIRS} <br> ${QT_QTSQL_INCLUDE_DIR} )<br><br>SET( backend_SRCs<br> main.cpp<br> backend.cpp<br> symbolmanager.cpp<br> statsmanager.cpp<br> downloader.cpp <br> testplugin.cpp<br>
)<br><br># set all QObjects to have their MOC files generated<br>SET( backend_MOC_Headers<br> plugininterfaces.h<br> testplugin.h<br> backend.h<br> symbolmanager.h<br> statsmanager.h<br> downloader.h <br>
)<br><br>QT4_WRAP_CPP( backend_MOC_SRCs ${backend_MOC_Headers} )<br><br># setup cmake to automatically generate dbus adaptor objects<br>QT4_ADD_DBUS_ADAPTOR( backend_SRCs org.kde.quotebackend.symbolmanager.xml symbolmanager.h SymbolManager )<br>
QT4_ADD_DBUS_ADAPTOR( backend_SRCs org.kde.quotebackend.statsmanager.xml statsmanager.h StatsManager )<br><br>#SET( PLUGIN_SRCS<br> # testplugin.cpp<br># )<br><br>#SET( PLUGIN_MOC_HEADERS<br> # testplugin.h<br> # plugininterfaces.h<br>
# )<br><br>#QT4_WRAP_CPP( PLUGIN_MOC_SRCS ${PLUGIN_MOC_HEADERS} )<br>#ADD_LIBRARY(testplugin SHARED ${PLUGIN_SRCS} ${PLUGIN_MOC_SRCS}) # /me thinks this is the problem? I sniped this line from<br># a project i found using qt, cmake, and plugins but yea, it doesn't work<br>
ADD_LIBRARY(testplugin SHARED ${backend_SRCs} ${backend_MOC_SRCs}) #same error for the above line and this one. changing SHARED to MODULE doesn't work either<br><br>TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES( testplugin ${DEFAULT_PLUGIN_SUBDIR}) #same error with or without this line<br>
<br>ADD_EXECUTABLE( quotebackend ${backend_SRCs} ${backend_MOC_SRCs} )<br>TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES( quotebackend ${QT_LIBRARIES} )<br>INSTALL( TARGETS quotebackend ${INSTALL_TARGETS_DEFAULT_ARGS} DESTINATION bin )<br><br># install the adaptor xml description files so clients can build against them (is --prefix/interfaces the correct place for these?)<br>
FILE(GLOB adaptorfiles "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/*.xml")<br>INSTALL(FILES ${adaptorfiles} DESTINATION interfaces)<br><br>***** error **************<br>Linking CXX executable quotebackend<br>CMakeFiles/quotebackend.dir/moc_testplugin.cxx.o: In function `~TestPlugin': <br>
/home/brian/quotebackend/build/backend/../../backend/testplugin.h:19: undefined reference to `KeysInterface::~KeysInterface()'<br>/home/brian/quotebackend/build/backend/../../backend/testplugin.h:19: undefined reference to `KeysInterface::~KeysInterface()'<br>
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status<br>make[2]: *** [backend/quotebackend] Error 1<br>make[1]: *** [backend/CMakeFiles/quotebackend.dir/all] Error 2<br>make: *** [all] Error 2<br>