Hello Friends,<br><br>My first commit to for alkimia is here<br><a href="https://svn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/playground/office/alkimia/alkdbus/Alkrecord/" target="_blank">https://svn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/playground/office/alkimia/alkdbus/Alkrecord/</a><br>
<br>It consists of alkrecord class which will handle query and register functions for the dbus server.Will add more functionality soon.The file :ALK_DBASE: file is the sqlie database which is initially populated with some records mentioned in the main.cpp file. <br>
For testing out the sqlite database i use <span><cite>SQLite manager application which is a firefox addon( <br><a href="goog_579283277" target="_blank">https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/</a><b>firefox</b>/addon/5817/ ) though i have written a function to list out all database records but the addon provides more flexibilty.<br>
Please check out the code and review .<br><br>Regards,<br>Mukesh<br><br><br></cite></span><br><br>