umbrello does not import ktoblzcheck sources

Ralf Habacker ralf.habacker at
Tue Jun 2 08:21:34 BST 2020

Am 01.06.20 um 06:57 schrieb Prasun Kumar:
> I am using Umbrello to create class diagrams. I am having some problems 
> importing KtoBLZcheck with the code import tool.
> It imports successfully and the log also shows no error message but the 
> methods are not displayed in the logical view.
> When I drag and drop the entries in the logical view to create a class 
> diagram, it shows empty blocks.
> Am I doing something wrong? I have attached a screenshot.

No, this is a problem of umbrello, which did not define the macro 
__cplusplus during import and therefore skips all class declarations 
wrapped with the mentioned definition.Please file a bug report at for the product umbrello.As quick fix you can add 
'#define __cplusplus' in each imported header.

BTW: Please use a different subject for different topics so that it is 
easier to distinguish the posts.


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