Handling Netherlands' bankId

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Mon Aug 17 07:20:06 BST 2020

Hi Prasun,

On Sonntag, 16. August 2020 07:31:03 CEST Prasun Kumar wrote:

> Hi mentors,
> The Record class has member 'bankId' of type unsigned long. However, in the
> case of the Netherlands,
> the bankID is a string due to which it is not working correctly. Should I
> create another class named NL_Record
> or something similar to handle Netherlands records? Alternatively, I could
> just expand the 4 character bankID of
> Netherlands into a long integer but that feels sort of like a hack and not
> a solution.
> Please let me know if there is a good way to handle this.

I think turning the member var into a std::string is a viable solution.
I scanned briefly over the source and found important use of the numeric
variant only in the "German" sections of it. One thing I would not touch are
the check functions, but they can be called with

  return (iter2->second)(account, weight, accountId, atol(bankId));

instead of

  return (iter2->second)(account, weight, accountId, bankId);

You may get rid of the ctor using the unsigned long as argument. Have not checked
where it is used. A ctor providing a char* as argument already exists.

One thing you need to change is the definition of the map containing pointers
to the Records, which uses the ulong as key. This also needs to be changed and
all the code using it, but should be straight forward.

I would vote against using a special object (as in NL_Record).

On a side note: using constructs like

  if (country == "DE")
  else if(country == "NL")
  else if ...

usually calls for a base class and some special derivatives and a set of
virtual methods that do the specialization. But that change is maybe
something for another project.

Hope that helps.



Thomas Baumgart

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