<table><tr><td style="">TallFurryMan edited the summary of this revision. <a href="https://phabricator.kde.org/transactions/detail/PHID-XACT-DREV-cvjqfzzjehtffyb/">(Show Details)</a><br />TallFurryMan edited the test plan for this revision. <a href="https://phabricator.kde.org/transactions/detail/PHID-XACT-DREV-agit3y73xiu3rjv/">(Show Details)</a>
</td><a style="text-decoration: none; padding: 4px 8px; margin: 0 8px 8px; float: right; color: #464C5C; font-weight: bold; border-radius: 3px; background-color: #F7F7F9; background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom,#fff,#f1f0f1); display: inline-block; border: 1px solid rgba(71,87,120,.2);" href="https://phabricator.kde.org/D16429">View Revision</a></tr></table><br /><div><strong>CHANGES TO REVISION SUMMARY</strong><div><div style="white-space: pre-wrap; color: #74777D;"><span style="padding: 0 2px; color: #333333; background: rgba(251, 175, 175, .7);">[WIP]<br />
<br />
</span>This is a full rewrite and verification of all steps of evaluation of a list of scheduler jobs with the following existing constraints:<div style="padding: 8px 0;">...</div></div></div></div><br /><div><strong>CHANGES TO TEST PLAN</strong><div><div style="white-space: pre-wrap; color: #74777D;"><div style="padding: 8px 0;">...</div>Target observation will then be scheduled to repeat until the indicated date and time. Because the real conditions in which the job execute may make the duration of that job longer than expected, using a fixed repeat count may result in a completion time later than planned. Using a fixed completion time ensure the following job will start at the expected fixed time.<span style="padding: 0 2px; color: #333333; background: rgba(151, 234, 151, .6);"><br />
<br />
Use case: change the order of observation of targets<br />
---------------------------------------------------------<br />
<br />
If an observation target is currently edited, exit the edition mode by clicking on the "check" icon.<br />
<br />
Open the Ekos option, and disable option "Sort Jobs per Altitude and Priority" in the Scheduler tab.<br />
<br />
Select an observation target by clicking on its line in the job table. That line is highlighted as a result, and the state of icons "up" and "down" above the job table comply with the following rules:<br />
- If the selected job is the first of the list, the "up" icon is disabled.<br />
- If the selected job is the last of the list, the "down" icon is disabled.<br />
- If the selected job is the only one in the list, the "up" and "down" icons are disabled.<br />
- In other situations both "up" and "down" icons are enabled.<br />
<br />
Clicking the enabled "up" button will swap the selected job with its previous sibling. Clicking the enabled "down" button will swap the selected job with its following sibling.<br />
<br />
The schedule of the observation targets following and including the swapped jobs will re-evaluate automatically after the operation.<br />
<br />
**Known bug:** The selection highlight in the job table sometimes disappears, and from the point of view of the end-user, the "up" and "down" are affecting an indeterminate observation target. Explicitly selecting the observation target before using the movement icons works around this issue, but is not user-friendly.<br />
<br />
Use case: sort observations of targets per their altitude<br />
-----------------------------------------------------------<br />
<br />
If an observation target is currently edited, exit the edition mode by clicking on the "check" icon.<br />
<br />
Open the Ekos option, and disable option "Sort Jobs per Altitude and Priority" in the Scheduler tab.<br />
<br />
Examine the start-up time of the first observation target of the job table. When the "sort" icon is clicked, the algorithm computes the altitudes of all observation targets, reorders them per their computed altitude, then re-evaluates the schedule of all jobs.<br />
<br />
The sort algorithm orders altitude from set to rise:<br />
- If target A is setting and target B is rising, then A will be sorted before B.<br />
- If target A is lower than target B, but is setting, then A will be sorted before B.<br />
- If target A is lower than target B, but is rising, then A will be sorted after B.</span></div></div></div><br /><div><strong>REPOSITORY</strong><div><div>R321 KStars</div></div></div><br /><div><strong>REVISION DETAIL</strong><div><a href="https://phabricator.kde.org/D16429">https://phabricator.kde.org/D16429</a></div></div><br /><div><strong>To: </strong>TallFurryMan, mutlaqja, wreissenberger<br /><strong>Cc: </strong>yurchor, kde-edu, narvaez, apol<br /></div>