Hi all, <br><br> I have been working on the application Khipu which is a replacement of the earlier function plotting application KmPlot (<a href="https://projects.kde.org/projects/playground/edu/khipu">https://projects.kde.org/projects/playground/edu/khipu</a>) of KDE-Edu. I want to participate for GSoC-2013. I have some ideas to include in my proposal and I have also got some ideas from Percy Camilo Triveņo Aucahuasi (project manager of Khipu). I have been in the constant communication with him for past some months. So, I have a concrete idea about the state of the application and in which way it can be improved.But the problem is that Percy is not going to be a mentor this year. So, I don't have any official mentor for GSoC. So , I need a mentor for this Project for GSoC-2013. I request you to reply to this if anyone wants to mentor this project :)<br>
<br> Thanks in advance....<br><br>Regards,<br>Punit Mehta<br><br>