Hi Anne,<br>Find attached five .diff files.<br>Here is the description how the patches work:<br>Initially, when you open kmplot, the View->Show Slider menu is disabled (grayed).<br>Now, when you enter a function with parameter, and check the Slider checkbox ( I have<br>
not yet implemented the part that, only when you enter a parameter in the function, the <br>checkbox is enabled to be checked, I am working on it), the Slider window pops-up<br>and View->Show Slider menu is enabled now, to be clicked. Now, to close the Slider<br>
window, you can check the Slider checkbox again, or you can click the View->Show Slider<br>menu.The View->Show Slider menu closes and opens the Slider window, as you click it<br>(like toggling), but there isn't any tick mark there.<br>
<br>Now, the problem is that, I don't know, from which part of the code, is the View->Show<br>Slider menu is being activated. I tried various methods of View.cpp. Initially, I thought <br>that View->updateSliders() function is responsible for that ( but I was wrong ). And, this <br>
is causing trouble, since I wanted that when you delete all the functions, the View->Show<br>Slider menu should be disabled again ( as obvious it is ). But this is not happening. I wanted<br>to encounter this problem first. And later, I could do the Slider checkbox part so that it is <br>
ready to be checked only when user enters parameter.<br><br>You may find some things which you may not like, such as, I have not removed the <br>View::sliderWindowClosed() and View::slidersWindowClosed functions. Yes, the code is <br>
not clean. I would make it clean as soon as the problem is resolved ( in the final patch).<br><br>-Regards<br> Rahul Sharma<br> (NUM_1 on <a href="http://irc.freenode.net">irc.freenode.net</a>)<br>