I just created a crossword puzzle with an online editor - it is not much work when you do one language, but a lot if you want to do many. As some of you know I have thematic groups of bilingual kvtml files:<br><br><a href="http://ambaradan.i-iter.org/voxhumanitatis/file/b7fc8f4fa976/khangman">http://ambaradan.i-iter.org/voxhumanitatis/file/b7fc8f4fa976/khangman</a><br>
<br>These can be used for Khangman, but also could be used for Kanagram and exactly the same files could be used for crossword puzzles ... There was a software for solving crossword puzzles in the games section, but I don't find it anymore ... well: someone sooner or later has fun to adapt the code? Like always: it should be easy to use "to play/study" in order to not confuse the user - most users are discouraged when they see too many possibilities over a menu bar - it is easier to have a main-screen and click on icons.<br>
<br>Cheers, Sabine<br>