Hi there, after having spoken with Aleix, ideas about the library are taking shape :)<br><br>1. The library would provide a platform that allow to use algorithms/methods to plot functions.<br><br>2. It has created a branch of KAlgebra to begin the development of the library:<br>
<a href="http://websvn.kde.org/branches/work/kalgebra-newplotter/">http://websvn.kde.org/branches/work/kalgebra-newplotter/</a><br><br>3. During the development of the branch, the library is going to use the latest version of analitza * (Aleix will change the cmake file from branch to do this)<br>
<br>4. The development of the library will be gradual:<br>* First, it will study common features between KmPlot and KAlgebra (plotting methods, abstractions of entities, etc.) and then perform the design.<br>* Next, it will be developed features to draw functions (first 2D then 3D)<br>