Hi, today I prepared some other KHangMan files: for Sorani Kurdish (with Arabic Script) and hints are in English. <br><br>The package can be downloaded here:<br><a href="http://www.voxhumanitatis.org/content/khangmanckbeng-100">http://www.voxhumanitatis.org/content/khangmanckbeng-100</a><br>
<br>I opened the file (animals) with KHangMan and the number of characters shown is indeed the number of characters the word has in Sorani Kurdish. Then I tried to enter some chars (with Keyboard setting on Persian and on Arabic): it was not possible to write any char. I then tried to add the chars by copying and pasting them: no way.<br>
<br>Could someone else please try out? Maybe we have some people who deal with Arabic Script on a daily basis in one of these two lists?<br><br>Thank you!<br><br>Sabine<br>