I am right now playing around with data structure in KHangMan and it is somewhat troublesome for me to create that files - (still have to install smalltalk on openSUSE Education to which I switched lately to be able to convert the parley files easily - but the structure for KHangMan is different, so I cannot really use what I have) <br>
<br>All the data we are preparing is being prepared for Parley but being it more and more categorized now I also want to create files for KHangMan. <br><br>They only way to easily create data for KHangMan is creating a .csv files where only the first column is considered and where you cannot have hints. But we would like to have files with hints, where the hint often will be the "translation" into another language. Creating the files manually is not an option, because it takes too much time. Is there already a conversion tool for bi-column .csv files<br>
<br>column 1 = word to be guessed<br>column 2 = hint<br><br>I know that also Kanagram uses these files, so we get two games at once.<br><br>This afternoon, time permitting, I will install GNU smalltalk and see if I can get ahead here easily converting Parley files. I had quite some changes to digest during the last week(s) in terms of desktop, linux etc. and meetings on the other hand. For such things I always need some calm moments.<br>
<br>Well all for now on KHangMan.<br><br>Cheers,<br><br>Sabine<br><br>