<div dir="ltr">> We indicated you what we currently have. You do not explain really why it is<br>> different from Parley or why the missing features could not be added to<br>> Parley or KWordQuiz. Peter asked you specific questions about KVTML for ex:<br>
> would you use it? what is missing in it?<br><br>Well... today I looked at KVTML and Parley documentations and codes. What I see is KVTML (and parley,...) is mainly designed for VOCABULARY training (it is also mentioned in the documentations).<br>
I'm not saying that something is missing in kvtml. It is doing ITS JOB very well.<br>On the other hand, FlashQard can contain different types of cards. Each one for a different purpose. Each type can have a completely separated editor/viewer.<br>
Forexample, I saw a KVTML file for "guitar tuning standard fretboard" which contains the names of "notes" and their positions on "standard fretboard". all of them in text format. However, in FlashQard, we can implement a separated card type only for guitar with a visual editor/viewer for musical notes and their positions on standard fretboard.<br>
I don't say that it can not be done in Parley. But Parley or other KVTML based softwares are not designed to do this unless we change their purposes.<br>(in fact, this is my idea based on what I've seen/read about these projects. so please tell me if I'm wrong...)<br>
<br>> Furthermore: would you work on a existing program and extend it or do you only<br>> want to work on your program? If this is the case, would you want other<br>> people to work on your code?<br><br>I'd like to work on other projects but currently I'm busy with flashqard :D and of course I like others to work on my project. Thats why my projects are licensed under the GPL ;)<br>