Hello.<br><br>I am Youssef Oualmakran. I am a translator, student in translation<br>and teacher (I teach English and Dutch in a French speaking school<br>in Brussel).<br><br>More about me on <a href="http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utilisateur:Youssefsan">
http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utilisateur:Youssefsan</a><br><br>Here is my first translation for kde-edu. (Kanagram/animals)<br><br>I am sure, there a lot of spelling mistakes, but I <br>hope it is a good start.<br><br>By the way, I think that "shelfish" is not a precise animal
<br>and should perhaps be deleted.<br><br>Some definition should be improved and adapted to French.<br>For example "woodpecker" seems to have two different<br>translations.<br><br>Unfortunately, I am involved in several projects and my
<br>works and hobbys takes a lot of time, so I would not<br>be very active here.<br><br>Regards<br>Oualmakran Youssef<br><br><br>