Dear Mr Bethencourt,<BR>
Congratulations and bravo for your effort!!! <BR>
I would like to test mEDUXa in Edubuntu. Your text below says it is based on Kubuntu. Whereas Edubuntu is GNome based. Though there are quite a few KDE Edu applications included. SO my feeling is that some of the KDE libraries are already part of Edubuntu. <BR>
I would like to know whether it will be possible to use mEDUXa in Edubuntu. Also if you have some tutorial/guide in place for the same. <BR>
Or else we can ask for help from the technical experts in Edubuntu community. BTW I am only a user, not a technical expert. <BR>
Raj Sarkar<BR>
www.krittibas.org  <BR>
On Thu, 23 Nov 2006 eslic wrote :<BR>
>Same text with a link correction<BR>
>Hi all,<BR>
>the Consejeríˇ de Educació®¬ Cultura y Deportes del Gobierno de Canarias<BR>
>(Education, Culture and Sports Department from the Canary Island Local<BR>
>Goverment), through the MEDUSA Project, presents today, thursday 23 of<BR>
>november of 2006, in LANZAOS 2006 (www.lanzaos.org), the mEDUXa project.<BR>
>mEDUXa is a Free Software GNU/Linux distribution developed for educational<BR>
>purposes based on Kubuntu. It will be deployed in 35,000 computers<BR>
>distributed in 1100 schools, which represents 325,000 possible users (25,000<BR>
>teachers and 300,000 students). in the Canary Islands state schools. Teachers<BR>
>and students will be able to use it through a dual boot (Linux/Windows),<BR>
>accessing it by a boot loader.<BR>
>For more information about the project, you can access to Proyecto MEDUSA's<BR>
>web page or click this link:<BR>
>Agustí® Benito Bethencourt<BR>
>Coordinador de las empresas que desarrollan mEDUXa<BR>
>Agustí® Benito Bethencourt<BR>
>edubuntu-users mailing list<BR>
>Modify settings or unsubscribe at: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/edubuntu-users<BR>
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