Proposal discussion for Cantor: Python 3 as the only backend officially supported

Aleix Pol aleixpol at
Tue Jan 16 00:37:59 UTC 2018

On Mon, Jan 8, 2018 at 7:10 PM, Filipe Saraiva <filipe at> wrote:
> Hello gearheads,
> Yesterday I wrote a post in my blog about a proposal to Cantor.
> Currently, Cantor has 11 backends but most of them are not maintained.
> The consequence is several backends are broken or not working as
> expected. I waste a lot of time trying to fix backends I don't use, and
> I don't have time to work in new features for Cantor itself.
> My proposal is officially maintain only Python 3 backend, move the other
> backends to a community/third-party repository and, if someone cares
> about them, release some of them as extensions in KDE Store.
> This way I can work better with Cantor.
> Just to say, I tried in past solve it inviting developers to be
> co-maintainers of the backends, but it does not work as I expected.
> I would like to present it to KDE community and hear you.
> The post with more information is in
> Cheers!
> --
> Filipe Saraiva

Would it be worthy of a GSoC project to make sure the main important
ones are available? I think it's very important to at least keep R


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