Cantor 17.12 crashes working with R and Sage backends and is very slow with some other ones on Arch Linux.

Fernando de Morais fernandodemorais.jf at
Thu Jan 11 22:05:08 UTC 2018


My name is Fernando de Morais, I'm form Brazil and attend as
fernando_morais at Arch Linux community.

I'm working with cantor for a while now to facilitate my research
documentation in the field of digital signal processing, and I like to
thank you and the develop team for this application.

Recently I'm applying my studies with SageMath and R. This two backends
runs fine standalone, but not through Cantor 17.12 in my arch, using latest
Plasma and KDE packages.

I'd like to use Cantor instead Jupyter Notebook as a SageMath frontend, for
many reasons.

Can you help me? Maybe others are facing the same problem.

Thanks in advance.


*José Fernando de Morais Firmino.*
Graduando no Curso Superior de Tecnologia em Automação Industrial.
*IFPB,* Campus Cajazeiras.
Currículo Lattes: clique aqui <>.
Diretório de Grupos de Pesquisa: clique aqui
E-mail acadêmico: fernando.morais at
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