Review Request 127717: Fix error when destroying an default constructed KEduVocDocument

Hartmut Riesenbeck hartmut.riesenbeck at
Mon May 30 15:47:47 UTC 2016

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(Updated Mai 30, 2016, 3:47 nachm.)

Review request for KDE Edu.


Splitted emptydocumenttest into separate header and source file.

Repository: libkeduvocdocument


When a KEduVocDocument which was constructed by the default constructor
becomes destructed, the error message "QFile::remove: Empty or null
file name" is given on stderr.

Since the file name of the KAutoSaveFile was not set in the default
constructor, the KAutoSaveFile::remove() method in ~KEduVocDocument()
have given this error message. Removed this method call and the
following KAutoSaveFile::releaseLock(), because they are called in the
KAutoSaveFile destructor as well but with check for file name.

Added unit test emptydocumenttest to proof the bugfix.

Since I'm not a cmake expert, I hope the test was added in the right way. I would be thankful for improvements.

Diffs (updated)

  .gitignore PRE-CREATION 
  keduvocdocument/autotests/CMakeLists.txt 05580b6c5e8ad88fd15971cc6194aa4c22ffb558 
  keduvocdocument/autotests/emptydocumenttest.h PRE-CREATION 
  keduvocdocument/autotests/emptydocumenttest.cpp PRE-CREATION 
  keduvocdocument/keduvocdocument.cpp e8e48e90ef70477e18559936c3cb36fed492d543 



Unit test emptydocumenttest


Hartmut Riesenbeck

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