[kde-edu]: Open Day at the KDE Edu sprint

Aleix Pol aleixpol at kde.org
Fri Mar 4 00:32:21 CET 2011

Hi edu!
As I said when I proposed Bilbao as the host of our next meeting I briefly
talked about a possible open day for people interested in Free Software
Education to come. We need to sort out what do we want to offer there, here
there's a proposal:

- Introduction
- Project overview 1h
- Talks about things that we have with its developer (kstar, marble,
kalgebra, parley, language in general,... depends on who's going to be
there) 2h
- Maybe plasma classroom (anyone?) 1h
- Some show of kde edu running in different devices 1h
- Conclusion and wrapping up 1h

Any thoughts? Additions?
What developers would be wanting to talk about their apps?

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