[kde-edu]: [KTurtle] OO syntax code in SVN

Niels Slot nielsslot at gmail.com
Sun Jan 25 14:55:14 CET 2009

It has taken me a while (since September), but I finally got my object
oriented KTurtle in SVN. The code has been sitting around on my computer for
the last few months. And while I planned to clean it up just a little more,
it never came to that. For anyone who wants to check it out, the code is in
/branches/work/kturtle-objects[1]. This version of KTurtle can run the
following code:

forward 100
$x = turtle
$x.forward 50

This will create a second turtle and move it 50 steps forward.

Any comments on the code are welcome.

Cies and Mauricio: Please have a look at it and let me know how you feel
about including something like this in 4.3.



[1]: http://websvn.kde.org/branches/work/kturtle-objects/
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