[kde-edu]: Phonon and KDE4 development

Albert Astals Cid aacid at kde.org
Thu Apr 13 13:10:17 CEST 2006

First of all sorry for the empty mail.

A Dijous 13 Abril 2006 12:45, Andreas Nicolai va escriure:
> Hi there,
> I will look at Phonon and probably disable sounds until then (or leave it
> in as hidden experimental feature). Just a quick note: until I get the
> KDELibs for KDE 4 to compile properly, 
Well, kdelibs4_snapshot builds properly, the problem it is a movable target, 
that is you port code, it works, but then 2 weeks after, kdelibs4_snapshot 
changes again and your code no longer compiles.

> I will develop further feature using 
> the KDE3 libs and port them to KDE4 as soon as it becomes stable enough.
> Therefore I would like to ask to leave the KTouch code alone for the moment
> and not start porting it to KDE 4 already, 
You are late, we have already done that. (well, really it only compiles, while 
fails on startup because KUrl semantics changed and need to be adapted)

> since changes will be made to 
> the current code anyway.
> Because of the feature freeze in KDE 3.5 I will release the current
> development versions as stand-alone package for KTouch on the Sourceforge
> pages.
Ok :-) Nice to have another version :-)

> Btw, when will you guys start to port your applications to KDE 4?

As said we have already done, almost all kdeedu4 builds, the problem is that 
if you have made changes to kde3 we "lost" them, so it would be nice if you 
had the patches applied to the kde3 branch so we can apply them to kde4 too.

So that goes for all you guys, if you are making improvements to your kde3 
version of the apps do not forget to commit the same patches to trunk (even 
if you don't know if they will compile) or send them to 
me/Pino/Carsten/SomoneUptodateWithKDE4Code so we commit them 


> Andreas
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