[kde-edu]: Some notes on edu website

Pino Toscano toscano.pino at tiscali.it
Sat Jan 15 14:37:29 CET 2005

Hi all,

Recently I visited the edu website, and now I'm writing down some notes 
about what IMHO could be changed in the home (http://edu.kde.org):

1) KLatin is officially shipped with the edu package since KDE 3.3, but 
it isn't in the Language section.

2) flashKard was remove since KDE 3.3, so why do leave it in the home 
page? It will reamin in the side menu.

3) KTurtle and KWordquiz have thier descriptions ending with "New in KDE 
3.3". IMHO this should be erased, since there is the column "Since KDE" 
for every programs, and both use them.

Moreover, in the Software page (http://edu.kde.org/software.php), there 
are KTurtle and KLatin still in the kdenonbeta section, while the first 
should be removed (it's displayed twice in this page) and the latter 
inserted in the home page too.

Best regards,

Pino Toscano

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