[kde-edu]: update vocabulary file for kvoctrain

Markus Büchele Markus.Buechele at web.de
Wed Dec 14 20:58:16 CET 2005

Hi Annma,

could you please update the vocabulary file at 
http://edu.kde.org/contrib/kvtml/basic_vocabulary_en2de.kvtml ?

1332 words in 47 units

The most important additions are the following:

conjugations for units:
Basic-01    present (simple und progressive)
Basic-02    present (simple und progressive) negative
Basic-05    past (simple und progressive)
Basic-06    past (simple und progressive) negative
Basic-09    present perfect und past perfect
Basic-10    present perfect und past perfect negative
Basic-13    will und going to future
Basic-14    will und going to future negative
All verb forms are full forms (will not instead of won't)

comparison forms for 140 Adjectives

example sentences for 144 words in units Intermediate 1-13

Thanks a lot!

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