[kde-edu]: KElectronics project

Manuel Pérez López manuel.perez.lopez at hispalinux.es
Wed Sep 15 21:58:35 CEST 2004

El Miércoles, 15 de Septiembre de 2004 16:19, Gopala Krishna escribió:
> <P>
> Hello everyone!<BR>
> &nbsp;  I have started a project &quot;KElectronics&quot; 

Hello, Gapola and everyone (I am a new subscriber for this list):

I think this kind of proyects are a very good for the educational free 
software. Perphaps they are not for all people, but they are good tools for 
some teachers and students. Thanks for your work. 

I can not see into your email a URL for download your early proyect. Please, 
send it us.


Manuel Pérez López

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