[kde-edu]: kvoctrain: rudimentary keyboard layout switching patch

Felix Berger bflat1 at gmx.net
Fri Sep 3 14:10:20 CEST 2004


the attached patch could eventually close the bug  
http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=72231 .

Of course it needs more sanity checks and should work on all input fields, 
right now it only works in the table view.

That's the functionality it adds:

In the general options dialog in the language tab there is a comobox showing 
all the active keyboard layouts when kxkb is activated. They can be selected 
and are saved with the selected language settings.

When a translation entry of the same language is edited in the table view the 
layout is changed accordingly.

Before doing more work and cleaning up things I would like to know if this is 
the way to go and if kvoctrain is still actively maintained.

Felix Berger

P.S.: Please CC me I'm not subscribed to kde-edu (yet).

Use Debian GNU/Linux!
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