[kde-edu]: Need help to develop a new app...

Fabien Olivry fabien.olivry at netcourrier.com
Sat Nov 6 15:09:42 CET 2004

Hello everyone,

I would like to create a generator of exercises for the web, a bit like 
Hot Potatoes on windows (http://web.uvic.ca/hrd/hotpot/) but simpler at 
first and with different exercises. It would make web pages such as 
multiple-choice, hangman and so on... I already have the javascripts to 
do this and this kind of app would really help since it could be used 
whatever the subject you teach is...
The only problem is : I don't know anything about programming an 
interface on KDE as well as programming at all ;) (except for a few 
javascripts and php) and don't have much time to learn C++ and so on to 
create the app but I would be more than willing to do my part if anyone 
could help me in this endeavour.
So I'm basically looking for some people who could do the programming 
part while I would be helping on doing the scripts, translating or 
whatever I could do with my little skills...
If anyone is interested, please let me know,

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